June 11, 2024

TED 16 | Why a Code of Conduct?

TED 16 | Why a Code of Conduct?

Today is all about Codes of Conduct. Join me to go through what a Code of Conduct is, its place in the salsa, bachata and kizomba scene and why it is worth having them across the board at dance events.

What to expect in this episode:
(00:00) - Introduction.
(01:50) - What is a Code of Conduct?
(03:50) - The Purpose of a Code of Conduct
(05.23) - "Having a bunch of rules isn't going to fix things"
(06:37) - "You cannot tell people what to do"
(08:38) - "It's common sense, what's the point in having it written down shared?"
(09:48) - Having an expected standard of behaviour makes it so much easier to take action
(11:20) - These things shoudn't be a tick box

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